terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

Tips to write well (in English, of course)

The introduction
  • Tell the reader the question you’re answering;
  • Give your answer upfront;
  • Briefly explain the reasonsfor your answer/ explain the reasons for your point of view (‘I have answered this way because/ This is my point of view mainly because …’);
The body
  •  Focus each paragraph onone idea that supports your answer;
  • Use the first sentence in each paragraph to explain the point of that paragraph;
  • Use the rest of the paragraph to amplify your point, support it with evidence, qualify it, or give examples (avoid huge lists, make sure the examples are clear and logical);
  •  Link your paragraphs by—opening with words like‘But’, ‘Also,’ and ‘Moreover’; or opening with words like‘This’, ‘That’, ‘These’,‘Those’; or echoing the last words of the preceding paragraph (try not to repeat the same words, unless it's an intention to emphasize some ideas).
The conclusion
  •  Keep your conclusion short;
  • Summarise your answer, but restate it freshly;
  •  End powerfully; consider:
􀂄 suggesting the next step
􀂄 ending with a good quote
􀂄 linking to the introduction
􀂄 listing the reasons your answer is right
􀂄 leaving the reader with a powerful image
􀂄 mentioning the implications of your answer
􀂄 ending with a slightly different angle on your answer

  • replace repeated words by synonyms;
  • vary the beginning of the paragraphs;
  • prefer short to longer sentences;
  • careful with pronouns (is it clear what they refer to?);
  • be coherent in the verb tenses used;
  • avoid using similar sounds one after the other.

                                                                                           (adapted from Write Better English)

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